Council of Administration and Meeting Minutes

The purpose of the National Council of Administration of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is to carry out the business of the Order between National Encampments in accordance with policies established by the National Encampment and to serve as the “Board of Directors” in terms of making decisions in the absence of such policy directives from the National Encampment. A more detailed description of the responsibilities of the National Council of Administration may be found by going to job descriptions for National Officers and Standing Committees in the Constitution and Regulations of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

The membership of the National Council of Administration is composed of the Commander-in-Chief, Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief, Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief, National Secretary, National Treasurer, National Quartermaster, five elected members and the immediate Past Commander-in-Chief. In addition, all Past Commanders-in-Chief, the National Counselor, The Banner Editor, The National Signals Officer, and the Washington Representative serve on the National Council of Administration as nonvoting members. Current officer holders of these positions may be found at Elected and Appointed Officers and Standing and Special Committees.

Meeting Minutes and Electronic Boardroom Vote
