General Orders of the Commander in Chief
The Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) issues General Orders to inform, educate, cite and honor members and nonmembers of the SUVCW, to announce policy and upcoming events, and to clarify items of interest.
As the years pass, maintaining a single page with all General Orders makes the page very cumbersome. This has led us to separate the Digitized General Orders into manageable pages of 20 years each.
2024-2025 - Commander in Chief Kevin L. Martin
- General Order No. 1: Administration
- General Order No. 2: Call to Action
- General Order No. 3: Committee Chairs and Members
- General Order No. 4: Council of Administration Attendance
- General Order No. 5: Disasters in the Southeast
- General Order No. 6: Passing of James H. (Jim) Houston, PDC, Department of Ohio
- General Order No. 7: Regarding Form 80 and Sect 1 and 3, GO No. 22, Series 2023-24
- Thanksgiving Message from Commander in Chief Kevin Martin
- General Order No. 8: Passing of Missouri Past Department Commander, Robert M. Petrovic
- General Order No. 9: 100th Birthday of Real Son and Brother William Pool
- Special Message No. 2: Season's Greeting from CinC Martin
- General Order No. 10: New Year's Reveille
- General Order No. 11: Passing of President Jimmy Carter