William Ketchum Post 62
Photos from the Past
William Ketchum Post No 62 William Ketchum Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Post No 62 in Ada, Minnesota. The original name of the Post was George B. McClellan GAR Post 62. The Post was renamed in October 1888 to William Ketchum Post 62, in honor of the first local member to die. Photographs and information submitted by Sebastian Nelson.
Some of the names written in the picture are as follows:
William Ketchum Post No 62, Ada Minnesota
[Front Row, L to R:] McHugh, Will Campbell*, John Betcher*, John Wright*, H. Trowbridge*, Alex Holden*, Hopkins, Thad Bradley, Lewis Weatherhead*, Ole Olson, Ira Wheelock*, A.B. Watson*, John Schultz, John Pfund*, George Nei*, and Ashelman
[Back Row:] Louis Pfund, Emil Betcher, Hous Holden, W.E. Casselman, and H. Bosworth.
William Ketchum Post No 62, Ada Minnesota (possibly a later picture)_________________
*Will Campbell (1st Sergeant, Company E, 18th Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry)
*John Betcher (Private, Company G, 7th Regiment, Minnesota Volunteer Infantry)
*John Wright (Private, Company C, 91st Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry)
*H. Trowbridge (Private, Company C, New York Heavy Artillery)
*Alex Holden (Corporal, Company B, 142nd Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry)
*Lewis Weatherhead (Private, Companies I, K, L, 2nd U.S. Infantry)
*Ira Wheelock (Landsman, USS Ozark)
*A.B. Watson (Private, Company B, 7th Regiment, Minnesota Volunteer Infantry)
*John Pfund (Private, Company F, 12th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry)
*George Nei (Private, Company J, 5th Regiment, Iowa Volunteer Infantry)