S S Wintersteen

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Photos from the Past

S.S. Wintersteen

S.S. Wintersteen was born December 13, 1846 in Martinsville, Somerset County, New Jersey. In 1857, he settled in Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio. In August 1862, he enlisted at the age of 15 in Captain Marion Leflar's Company H of the 83rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. A sketch of his life reports that, He was in ten hard fought battles, and to him was awarded the honor of carrying the order for a general cessation of hostilities from Selina to Montgomery, Alabama, in April 1865, and of delivering them in person to General A.J. Smith. He was mustered out of the army at Galveston in the following July. Mr. Wintersteen's war record is one in which any man might take a just pride. In 1870, he married Anna J. Johnson. He was a member of the Soldiers, Sailors and Pioneers Permanent Monument Committee and of Wetzel Compton Grand Army of the Republic Post #96 of Hamilton, Ohio. Photograph and information submitted by T. Fazzini, Camp #91, Ohio Department, SUVCW.

S.S. Wintersteen