PCinC Photo

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War


Photos from the Past

GAR Past Commanders-in-Chief

This photograph was taken in the 1930s. The majority of the individuals photographed are Past Commanders-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic. Those identified thus far are , Oley Nelson (CinC 1935/36), Samuel P. Town (CinC 1931/32), 4th from left Russell C. Martin (CinC 1932/33), James E. Jewel (CinC 1930/31), and John Reese (CinC 1928/29). Photograph and information submitted by Blaine Valentine Michigan Department, SUVCW.

Front row, 2nd from left: Oley Nelson (CinC 1935/36),
3rd from left: Samuel P. Town (CinC 1931/32),
4th from left: Russell C. Martin (CinC 1932/33),
5th from left: James E. Jewel (CinC 1930/31),
Back row 6th from left: John Reese (CinC 1928/29).