California and Nevada 60th Dept Encampment
California and Nevada 60th Department Encampment This is a group photograph of the 1927 Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) 60th California and Nevada Department Encampment held at Santa Rosa, California. According to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat (May 15- 20, 1927), the GAR members present at the Encampment included General Frank A. Walsh, National Commander-in-Chief, C. H. Haskins, National Vice Commander-in-Chief, Peter Mass, Department Commander, E.J. Martin, Past Department Commander, Colonel A.B. Covalt of Oakland (100 years old) GAR Senior Aide de Camp, Colonel Silas H. Towler of Minnesota, Captain E.L. Hawk of Sacramento (hero of Vicksburg?), William A Packard of Los Angeles, Arthur E. Vest, Harvey Durkey, Charles Mallory, Ed Holt, J.W. Grewell, William L. Stone, George W. Ballard, H.L. Gould, H.H. Wood, S.H. Enyeart, Dr. Wesley Thompson, William Graham, D. Huntington, Philip Lawrence, M.W. Halsey, Dr. O.H. Mennet, Dr. C.S. Stoddard, W.H. Sallada, W.H. Mershon, W.S. Winter, John J. Steadman, Rev. Jacob Sleese, W.H. Noll, Charles S. McNell, E.A. Speegel, T.E. Hunt, and hundreds more. -
Photograph and information submitted by Sebastian Nelson, Department Historian, Department of California and the Pacific, SUVCW.
California and Nevada 60th Department Encampment