Frank Woerner
Frank Woerner was elected to the office of Commander-in-Chief at the 85th National Encampment of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War held in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Augusts 14 -15, 1966.
Brother Woerner was initiated into Christian Woerner Camp #1 at Hoboken, New Jersey, in 1917. This Camp had been named in honor of his grandfather. He served as a Camp Commander from 1941 to 1946, and as Commander of the California Department in 1947. He has held the office of Department Secretary for the past 10 years.
In the National Organization, he was chairman of the Grand Army of the Republic. Highway Committee for several years, and then chairman of the Americanism and Education Committee. He was elected Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief for the year 1965-66.
After having been employed 22 years as a tool and jig builder for Northrop Aircraft Company, Frank is now retired in Hawthorne, California, and devotes full time to the work of our Order.
He died on February 27, 1972
August 1966