William Simpson
William Simpson was elected Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War at the 102nd National Encampment held in Portland, Maine, August 14 - 18, 1983. Brother Simpson is a life member and his eligibility to the Order is two-fold. His paternal great-grandfather, James Simpson, served in Co. M, 22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry for two years. His maternal great-grandfather served in the 186th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry for three years.
Brother Simpson joined General George C. Meade Camp #16 in 1968 and served in all Camp offices, and was elected Pennsylvania Department Commander in 1974 and again in 1975. Our Commander-in-Chief has held appointed and elective offices in our National Organization including serving on the Council of Administration, Military Affairs Committee and as Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief.
Brother Simpson graduated from High School in 1949 and served with the U.S. Marines in the Korean War. He is also a member of the V.F.W., American Legion and the Marine Corps League. He has been employed for 31 years by the Parish Division of Dana Corps as an assembly line worker.
The BANNER, Vol. 87, No. 4, Autumn 1983.