Allen B. Howland


Allen B. Howland was elected Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War at the 92th National Encampment held in Palm Springs, California, August 5 - 9, 1973. Brother Howland's grandfather, Alonzo Howland, served with Company A, 3rd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War.

Brother Howland joined the General Hartsuff Camp #50 in Rockland, Massachusetts, August 18, 1926, and was elected to the of the office of Camp Commander in 1929. He has served the Camp as its Treasurer from 1937 to present. He was elected Department Commander of Massachusetts in 1928, and has been a member of the Department executive board since 1952. He is also President of the Hartsuff Post Memorial Association, Inc., which operates and maintains the Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Building in Rockland, Massachusetts. This building is presently the Headquarters of the Massachusetts Department, SUVCW.

Commander-in-Chief Howland first attended a National Encampment in 1929 and has attended many subsequent Encampments. He has twice served the National Organization as a member of the Council of Administration and has held the offices of National Patriotic Instructor, Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief and Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief. Brother Howland is currently employed by the Carver Division of Rockwell-International.

August 1973
