Reunion of Co. C, 19th Iowa Infantry

Photos from the Past

Reunion of Company C, 19th Iowa Infantry

Photographs are of the reunion of the 19th Iowa Infantry in Washington, Iowa sometime during or after 1908 based on the presence of the 1908 Haynes Touring Car in the background. Photographs were provided by Stephen Burgess.

Reunion of Company C, 19th Iowa Infantry (circa 1908)

Reunion of Company C, 19th Iowa Infantry (circa 1908) (Enlargement 1)

Reunion of Company C, 19th Iowa Infantry (circa 1908) (Enlargement 2)

Reunion of Company C, 19th Iowa Infantry (circa 1908) (Enlargement 3)

Reunion of Company C, 19th Iowa Infantry (circa 1908) (Enlargement 4)